TroutLeader Logo
TroutLeader is your Community-Driven Guide for Informed Fishing Decisions.
Hey! Interested in helping TroutLeader?

You're seeing this message because we're missing critical data or have not activated a river within this state. We can probably use your help.

Would you like to become a river ambassador? Are you a river shop employee/owner, guide, or someone super fishy?

We are a tiny crew of outdoor-loving / fishy people who love to code and are always looking for assistance and innovative ways to help TroutLeader and our fishy community. Do you love writing rich content that flows with a dramatic fishy images? Maybe you want to pass along a river or segment update. Or perhaps, you are technically proficient and enjoy working on the entire stack? Let's talk. Please drop us a note using the form below.

Current Opportunities

Currently, all positions are volunteer based. Yes, perhaps down the road or river, these might become something bigger. Finding responsible people and partners to adopt rivers and make amazing content with timely updates is the most important at the moment.

  • UI / UX Designer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Content Manager - Review and edit content for clarity and correctness.
  • River Ambassadors / Partners - Make timely updates, add / update segments. Think fly shops, gear manufactures, guides, local experts.
  • Partnership Manager
  • Advisory Board - Help guide TroutLeader in the right direction.